Either save this page as text and open in your word processor to work on that or print it to work with the good old pen.
(This is just a guide. Feel free to modify it any way you like. Any thing which you think you must do should be planned for here).
Plan Period:..........................
For this world (Rabbana atena fid dunay hasanah) :For the hereafter (...wa fil Akhirate hasanah):Target:
Personal Ibadah:
Salat: How many Salat you can offer with Jamat every day?
Jamat at Masjid..............Jamat at home.........................
What weaknesses in your Salat would you like to improve this year? ............................................................
There is a great reward for fasting. Can you plan to fast at least 3 days a month.
What days will you fast:.............................................
Can you incorporate any zikr from the Sunnah which you have not done before?.....................................
What portions of the Quran which you can memorize this year?
Personal Study:
Study: Quran, Seerah, Islamic literature, Environment of Dawa. Write down names of the books you plan to study.
Name of the book Month of planned study
........................................................ ......................................
........................................................ ......................................
........................................................ ......................................
........................................................ ......................................
How is your Quran reading and tajweed?......................
Any plan to improve?...........................................
Skill Development:
Can you give a speech? How can you improve your speaking and conversational abilities?
What can you do to improve your writing skills?.................
Any other skills you plan to develop?..............................
Dawa is our priority. If you will not do it, others are highly likely to neglect it as well.
Dawa field trips: Which day and time of the week:................
How many hours per week? ..........................................
Names of non Muslim contacts for the year:
When to invite non Muslim friends to home? .......................
Names of Muslims for reminding them of Islamic mission of Shahadah:.
Names of Muslims to help them become member of masjid and one of the national organization of Muslims:...................
(Make one page per person in your diary for the above targets in the following manner by writing his name, books you want to give him for study with approximate time, when you can invite him at your home, when you can give him some gifts? Also plan visiting Muslims across ethnic lines, and new Muslim you want to relate to.)
Relationship with your spouse and other members of the family:
Do you organize a family circle at home?............ If no when can you start one...........
What skills your children have which can be used for Islam? (Write name, age, and skills)...................................
What improvement is needed in your family life? You know the best after Allah. Plan for it.
How many times can you visit Masjid?....................
Is there any thing which you can do for Masjid?..................
How many Muslims can you invite to the masjid (write names):
Time and Money:
Your time and wealth (amwal & anfus) should be a part of Islam. Sacrifice is what a Muslim does to please his Rab. What can you sacrifice for the sake of Allah this year which you have not done before?
Hours given for Islam now Planned time for Islam
......................................... ......................................
How much you have given for Islam this year:........................Planned..................
Any relative or Muslim brother or sister you would like to help with your money?
Once again Dear brothers and Sisters. This is just a guide. Feel free to modify it any way you like.
Any thing which you think you must do should be planned for here.
The best way to spread our Deen
The best way to spread our Deen and regain the glory of Islam is by excelling in Science and Technology, establishing the best Schools and Hospitals, being a good Neighbor, and being Kind and Generous to all regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.
Indeed it is good.
Jazakallah ! Superb, This type of motivation and proper planning will help the Muslim Community to become successfull in this world and the Hereafter (Rabbana Athina Fidduniya Hasnathu Wa fil Akhitrathi Hasnathaun Wa akhina Azabannar) May Almighty Allah SWT enlighten all the MUSLIM UMMAH to follow the Quran And Hadith Ameen
Asalam o alikum, nice n impressive. provide a way for those who desires to change thier lifes. May ALLAH ALMIGHTY guides all of us. GOD bless u.
I am highly impressed with the planning guide. i pray may ALLAH guide this organization.i will advise the planning guide is send to individual subscribers. As setting target is veryessential in ones life
Salam Alaikum.All i can say is Thank you!
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