The whole Quran has this unbelievable way of amazing me. Its beautifully poetic verses and breath taking words just settle in my heart and mind so warmly. Though the whole Quran has the power to make me feel like everything will be okay, there is one verse that absolutely wins my heart. That verse is "On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear" 2:286. (This verse is also repeated in 6:152, 7:42 and 65:7).
I can not think of any other verse in the Quran that empowers me as much as this one does. This is a verse I often reflect on in times of stress, sadness and need. Think about it. Just repeat the words.
On NO soul does Allah place a burden GREATER than it can bear.
Now, tell me, what is it that we can not overcome? What test is too much to bear? What final exam, what major decision, what grief of a loved one passing away, do we not eventually overcome? The answer is simple - none.
This verse really hit me at a time I needed it most. For the last couple of years, I have been suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD. It is a disorder that effects millions of people, and is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain.
This disorder caused me to have many unnecessary thoughts. I would repeatedly replay incidents over and over in my head. The type I have is more of a mental OCD, rather than a physical type. However, I would sometimes encounter physical anxiety. For example, sometimes I felt I had to touch something a certain amount of times or repeat things.
The hardest challenge was when I came to have difficulties in making wudu, the purification washing before performing a prayer. I was always under the impression that my wudu was not good enough or that I missed washing a spot. I would literally stand in front of the sink repeating my wudu until I thought I had it perfect. The same would happen with my prayers. I would pray the same prayer 3 times just to make sure it was "perfect".
Little did I know that on one particularly rough day, I would be inspired. I was feeling very down because of the OCD. I just could not handle it. It is hard to explain to someone who does not have it, it is just so frustrating because it seems like an easy thing to handle, but for one who has OCD it is incredibly exhausting.
So, I am standing in front of the sink, wondering to myself why it is so difficult to just be content with the things I do. I was so angry. So upset. Until the phone rang. It was my brother, calling from his college dorm.
My mom picked up the phone and spoke with him. I assume she told him that I was having a rough day, so he asked to talk to me. When I got on the phone, all he said was, "Go look in the Quran in chapter 2, verse 286".
So I went and picked up my Quran that he had recently bought me. I flipped through the pages until I came to the verse. Then I stared at the words and read them in my head. "On no soul does Allah place a burden greater than it can bear." I had to fight back tears. I actually felt like Allah had written those words just for me.
It was that day that I really understood what those words meant. I still reflect on the words every time I need to. So I want to tell you all, my brothers and sisters, let those remarkable words settle in your hearts and minds. Always remember that there is nothing we can not overcome. Allah said so.
(By the way, OCD can be controlled, please reach out to a doctor if you feel you need too. Always remember Allah is watching over you).
I feel very sad for you
I feel very sad for you brother. Sometimes i find no answers to my and world setuation as well. Though i have everything but i feel i have nothing . My both parents are suffering from mental illness scince i understand the world. At lest i know their conditions, so i forgave what they have done to me. With my little understanding i found that if you want to find the cause of every thing you have to go in the beginning of the creation which is Qudar. We are so help less to know Allahs will because think through our little human mind . People would say we are making excuses but i will say we want to believe Allah in our purest form where no doubt exist. People will indicate traditional treatment where we need iner treatment. We fear not the his hell but ashamed to be representing ourself to him how we are today. Because all those things came out of love. And its for not Allah. I believe he knows that. We love thus we care if we dont love him we would care we will just shut down ourselves. And if Allahs will i will not leave this earth without knowing he loves me.
Please forgave if im wrong. I dont wana hurt anyones belive all i wana the real truth and i know that it cannot be obtain blindly following traditional Islamic TV programme or youtube chanell.
Assalmualaikum brother Jacob,
Assalmualaikum brother Jacob,
Remember brother your are not alone... Allah is always there for you and the greatest love you can find is the love of Allah.. He loves us, all of his slaves and do you know that he loves us 70 times more than our mothers... Subhanallah...so why does he inflict us with sufferings and pain because he has placed something really better for us in place of that in aakhirah... And remember brother this duniya and its life is temporary and all its sufferings will end soon...but aakhirah is eternal.. Just make lots of dua and Allah will respond sooner or later and fix things when it's appropriate. Just keep asking him like a kid keep nagging him he will for sure answer.. And do not keep yourself isolated in your room.. Go to your nearest masjid pray with Imaam there and spend some time in masjid. InshAllah you'll feel better and connect with brothers at masjid. We all are there for you brother, we all...your brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah make things easy for you...
I Wish I Could Understand (Reply)
I have suffered too but your position is difficult. I can only tell you what has helped me to feel and be better. After I started praying salah again, major pressure on me reduced. I try to keep praying 5 times a day at home. My life is much better now than it was 1 year ago. I was hoping for death too but a Muslim killing himself makes matter worse. Try to repair your faith. Watch Islamic lectures from youtube. Search in internet for The Inconspicuous Shirk. Make sure you are not involved in it in any way.
I wish I could understand
I have suffered too but your position is difficult. I can only tell you what has helped me to feel and be better. After I started praying salah again, major pressure on me reduced. I try to keep praying 5 times a day at home. My life is much better now than it was 1 year ago. I was hoping for death too but a Muslim killing himself makes matter worse. Try to repair your faith. Watch Islamic lectures from youtube. Search in internet for The Inconspicuous Shirk. Make sure you are not involved in it in any way.
that means you are lucky to
that means you are lucky to have that problems. inspites of these problems still you r alive and has courage to live life. think, wat if God has placed your burden on someone else, he might may have died of that burden or committed suicide. may be due to these problem you come accross right path of life...!!!
Solution of ocd
I have been suffering from this dieases since 4years..and it was started after joining a relationship..how can I be free from this problem in Islamic way???
Keep reciting 'Laa ilaa ha ilaa anta subgaanaka innee quntu mina dhaa li meen'
This is the Dua prophet Yunus recited when he was in the stomach of a whale with no way out except by trusting in Allah.
Oh jazzak Allah khair brother
After having very bad postnatal depression I get ocd and intrusive thoughts as well thx brother for sharing this I also have tears in mu eyes now
Salam, im also one of those
Salam, im also one of those suffering OCD, to be honest i ignore my condition at first but it seems that it worsen even more and i just cant handle it. Im just 20 yrs.old and i think im too young to be this stress. I have no courage to seek help so i just keep it on myself which makes me more weaker. Im now currently very depressed on how to face my daily lives with this kind of disorder. Whats most hard for me is there are some people notices how i act and leads me to think that maybe theyre thinking im crazy because of my rituals behaviors. Can anyone here could help me pls. because im really about to give up .
Wa alaikum salaam.
Wa alaikum salaam.
My brother is currently going through this I think and like you said when acting strange,people think you crazy but that's not true right?
Have you tried speaking to someone you trust or even posting like you did here,is good.
Do you know the story of Yunus (A.S) ? Where he was in stomach of a whale with no way out.He then decided to put his trust in Allah and recited ' Laa ilaa ha ilaa anta subgaanaka innee quntu mina dhaa li meen 'continuously.By the grace of Allah he was freed
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