The whole Quran has this unbelievable way of amazing me. Its beautifully poetic verses and breath taking words just settle in my heart and mind so warmly. Though the whole Quran has the power to make me feel like everything will be okay, there is one verse that absolutely wins my heart. That verse is "On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear" 2:286. (This verse is also repeated in 6:152, 7:42 and 65:7).
I can not think of any other verse in the Quran that empowers me as much as this one does. This is a verse I often reflect on in times of stress, sadness and need. Think about it. Just repeat the words.
On NO soul does Allah place a burden GREATER than it can bear.
Now, tell me, what is it that we can not overcome? What test is too much to bear? What final exam, what major decision, what grief of a loved one passing away, do we not eventually overcome? The answer is simple - none.
This verse really hit me at a time I needed it most. For the last couple of years, I have been suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD. It is a disorder that effects millions of people, and is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain.
This disorder caused me to have many unnecessary thoughts. I would repeatedly replay incidents over and over in my head. The type I have is more of a mental OCD, rather than a physical type. However, I would sometimes encounter physical anxiety. For example, sometimes I felt I had to touch something a certain amount of times or repeat things.
The hardest challenge was when I came to have difficulties in making wudu, the purification washing before performing a prayer. I was always under the impression that my wudu was not good enough or that I missed washing a spot. I would literally stand in front of the sink repeating my wudu until I thought I had it perfect. The same would happen with my prayers. I would pray the same prayer 3 times just to make sure it was "perfect".
Little did I know that on one particularly rough day, I would be inspired. I was feeling very down because of the OCD. I just could not handle it. It is hard to explain to someone who does not have it, it is just so frustrating because it seems like an easy thing to handle, but for one who has OCD it is incredibly exhausting.
So, I am standing in front of the sink, wondering to myself why it is so difficult to just be content with the things I do. I was so angry. So upset. Until the phone rang. It was my brother, calling from his college dorm.
My mom picked up the phone and spoke with him. I assume she told him that I was having a rough day, so he asked to talk to me. When I got on the phone, all he said was, "Go look in the Quran in chapter 2, verse 286".
So I went and picked up my Quran that he had recently bought me. I flipped through the pages until I came to the verse. Then I stared at the words and read them in my head. "On no soul does Allah place a burden greater than it can bear." I had to fight back tears. I actually felt like Allah had written those words just for me.
It was that day that I really understood what those words meant. I still reflect on the words every time I need to. So I want to tell you all, my brothers and sisters, let those remarkable words settle in your hearts and minds. Always remember that there is nothing we can not overcome. Allah said so.
(By the way, OCD can be controlled, please reach out to a doctor if you feel you need too. Always remember Allah is watching over you).
Even I m facing this problem since 5 years ... this is worst disease ever . I wanted to tell all the guys suffering from this illness..May be Allah loves us very much that's why he has put us in this test ..Pray to almighty Allah that he gives back all of our peaceful and happy lifes
Brother same here. i have so much Love for Allah and islam. but i am facing this problem. I was a perfect boy but since i am facing this problem my life is like a hell. I still have a faith in ALLAH. still i am trying to do best in my life. May be ALLAH will grant us a big reward after death. because no sickness is worst than this.
sam contact me plz i want to discuss my ocd bcoz facing problem no one help me need help i kno its can control but how
plz contact
does it ever make one feel guilty about past sins
Feel tired with doing ghusl again and again sometimes during 5 hrs and my mind feels tired always in doubt that may be I have missed a step in ghusl or wadhu
I think it's so distressing to be suffering from this- and I have felt that there has been a decrease in my faith, immensely. I hate this. I wish I could feel normal sometimes, like my friends.
I suffer from HOCD, and TOCD. And sometimes Harm OCD. I have a feeling it's never going to let me live my life, and we only have this one life.
I can really understand how
I can really understand how you feel. Thanks for sharing the ayat. I used to get fleeting thoughts about religious persons, and then would fret in my mind, " what if God thinks I thought this?" And many such things . After knowing about the disorder one feels okay. ...a lil okay. May Allah help us all.
Assalmu Alaikum - Jazak'Allah to all who have shared there stories of OCD here. We have two members of our family with OCD (three if you count grandma). I would say the main issue for us has been Lost Time. So much time is spent doing compulsions that the family ends up waiting and waiting for the OCD member to finish so we can finally get on with our activity. But, I just want to encourage all of you to believe in yourselves! Even if you struggle with OCD the rest of your life, remember, there are some jobs that are ideal for someone with OCD. In general, people with OCD thrive in jobs that are repetitive and are highly structured (change very little over time). For example, one of our OCD family members became an inner city teacher. The students were in desperate need of a highly structured, safe, environment. Of course, our OCD guy set up a class room that provided order and familiarity to the students on a day to day basis. There was little chaos in the classroom and the students knew exactly what they needed to do each day - b/c he structured it so much. Anyway, that was just to encourage you all that you can build a life that is compatible with the level at which you are able to control your OCD.
SalamsI had OCD (as did members of my family) for a number of years in my childhood, and it reached its worst point in my early years of high school. It was bad, but I won't go into the details of the ridiculous things that used to happen. These are cause by waswasah, whispers of Shaytaan, and the key to fighting it is to say, "No, I'm not going to do this". I still remember the fear and anxiety the first time I really decided to NOT do one urge I had, and I couldn't concentrate that whole night. But after I fell asleep, the next day I was better, Alhamdulillah, and thanks to Allah I was able to keep ignoring these whispers, and eventually you don't even see them. Just remember this is Shaytaan whispering, trying to do anything to stop you getting closer to Allah, trying to make you frustrated with wudu, with prayer, etc. Refer to the hadith, and what the Prophet (pbuh) said about having doubts in diferent situations. Alhamdulillah, Allah has made it easy for us.
Thank you
Thank you for this you really put it not bluntly but straight to the point. I came on this site to find a dua for my 10 ywars old son who nods his head and touches things. He's not too bad but can get extreme. This is right it is shaitan whispers and I thibk be cos I have this it passed onto my son.. I deal with it by fighting it but often do give in.
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