Sharia, Jewish Halacha and Catholic Canon Law, are not replacing 'the law of the land.” However for observant Catholics, Muslims and Jews their institutions and traditions are an important part of religious practice and must be respected provided that state and federal laws are observed, and participation is voluntary.
A large number of Imams have informed me that they use articles from Sound Vision's website for their sermons. May Allah accept it. In consideration of this, I am taking the liberty to suggest some points for your forthcoming Khutba.
A problem, until named or described, is often ignored. Consider that until we had the terms “racism” and “anti-Semitism”, these two types of prejudice were difficult to combat. It is time we understand this and start calling out anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim prejudice for what it is: Islamophobia.
Much is being made of two Muslims who took Pamela Geller’s bait and were killed in Garland, Texas, where she was hosting her hateful “Draw Muhammad” art contest of May 2015. However, what is not being discussed is the stellar way Dallas area Muslims have overall dealt with her hate, and the Islamophobia movement in general.
Free people control their time and money. Slaves control neither. Let’s take charge of ourselves by planning for lives because there is a purpose for our existence beyond the mundane routines of earning and consuming.
Mention of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is always around Muslims, Alhamdu lillah. But why not organize a week-long family activity around the life of the Prophet?