Throughout the Quran, Allah encourages us to think, wonder, consider, and imagine. He has even advised us that the successful people decide their affairs by putting their heads together: Ameruhum Shura Bainahum (Quran 42:38).
Muslims are asked about women in Islam almost as much as terrorism. Sadly, a number of brothers make the problem worse without realizing it. Here are some suggested tips for brothers talking about women in Islam.
Despite major differences between the Sunnis and Shias, there has always been co-existence based on what is common among us in terms of our basic beliefs and practices. Here is one of the best examples of this ideal behavior.
In Islam, the safety, security, and respect for ambassadors and diplomats is of utmost importance, and violating these rules carries serious penalties. This is why the spiraling violence directed at Western embassies in a number of Muslim countries is absolutely opposed to Sharia.
The idea of "social services" puts off some because of misunderstandings about what this type of service means in practical terms. Here are ten misperceptions clarified about this necessary assistance for individuals, families, and entire communities.
Muslim women in America have a greater level of economic gender parity with men than any other group studied by Gallup. However, Muslim women feel the least respected of all groups.
While sisters are a full part of the community, many mosques are run as though Islam is just for men. This is evident by looking at women's spaces, their uncomfortable size and design, and the absence of women from the Board of Directors.