She was also a reformer. She did not like associating anyone with God. When she refused to prostrate (sajdah) to the grave of a family elder as women in that village used to do, she was called a “wahhabi.” But this hanafi woman did not budge.
While Muslims love and deeply respect Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, others regularly heap abuse on him in ways that are very painful for Muslims to bear. This requires patience and fortitude.
Every year, we witness family and friends making resolutions to change for the better: “I will lose 20 lbs”; “I will start praying regularly”; “I will spend more time with the kids”; “I will seek a more fulfilling career”. But most of us stop at this stage, not planning in detail how we will reach our goals
When you are an Imam or a Khateeb, you talk. People ask a question, you talk. You perform marriages, you talk. You conduct funerals, you talk. However, it is good listening which will help us carry out our responsibilities. Here are some suggestions for better listening for Imams.
Thank you in Islam means that, let’s stop practicing “auto pilot thanksgiving” and start expressing heartfelt thanks, to God and His Creation. It is one small way we can not only reconnect with people beyond tweets and texts, but it will also deepen our relationship with Allah.
Hate never limits itself to one stop. It keeps looking for the new targets. Just as KKK targets were not limited to African-Americans as it attacked Catholics, Jews and other immigrants, the current phase of hate, ethnic bigotry and religious intolerance is looking for new targets.
Islamophobia like other forms of racism and religious or ethnic intolerance, is not the problem of its victims It is a societal problem. Unless we as a nation speak out against it, educate others about it, and fight, it will continue to perpetuate.