Yes, there are Muslims who don’t fast, as well as those who don’t know how to pray. Here are some Ramadan Duties to us that, we can share the news of Ramadan with others this year and encourage them to fast.
I can’t remember a day she did not find some way to serve those in need. Whether it was providing food for the hungry, a shoulder to cry on or just a listening ear, she was a dynamo of service.
It is critical that all community leaders, Muslims and non-profit foundations, as well as our government, pay more attention to the disenfranchised young Muslims and find effective ways to address their challenges.
I wish Sr. Aminah Assilmi had survived that accident the Friday morning of her death as she did the one in Chicago. But I can see her smiling, still full of plans, because whenever I met her, she had some fantastic ideas about what needed to be done for Islam in America.
Free people control their time and money. Slaves control neither. So let's take charge of ourselves through planning for ourselves now so there is a purpose to our lives beyond the mundane routines of earning and consuming.
Will you live to see 2008? What about June 2007? None of us knows. That's why planning and implementing our plans help us use our short time on this planet wisely. God wants us to live a thoughtful life of hope, working for the future of this world and the hereafter.
One major cause of problems in the Muslim society today is the absence of Shura. The Shura process, if adopted as a personal behavior and nourished by the family as a way of life, will benefit the Ummah.