Monday | Zul Hijjah 18, 1437 AH | September 19, 2016
Assalamu Alaikum.
ISIS has done it again. Multiple attacks in three states over the last 72 hours are terrorizing the American electorate.
It is likely to swing the election in Donald Trump’s favor, with the weight of even greater fear, anger, and hate spreading among Americans.
Many Muslims were already concerned that this scenario would occur before the November elections.
These events will once again be used as a war cry to ban Muslims.
Extremists will now again ask why Muslims don't condemn terrorism, despite the fact that we do it all the time.
Here are some action items we urgently suggest:
Action Items & Talking Points
1. This is the right time to put up an anti-ISIS billboard in your city or town
- Bring the anti-ISIS board to your city. Read more about the ISIS_sucks campaign here
- The billboard is a very cost-effective way of informing your neighbors that you are against ISIS. Based on the feedback we have already received, you would be surprised at how many fellow Americans simply don't know this.
- Your community takes care of the cost of the billboard, while Sound Vision does the rest, as we have done in other cities
- Contact info@soundvision.com with the subject: Urgent anti-ISIS billboard for more information
2. Does your website have the following links on its home page or as a prime menu item or button?
- Your organization’s past statements condemning ISIS and terrorism
- Fatwas of Muslim scholars condemning terrorism as expressed here & here
- World Muslim leaders condemning ISIS, etc. as they have here
3. Equip yourself with anti-ISIS brochures
- Sound Vision is the only organization in the United States which has published six brochures specifically about ISIS and extremism for the general public
- We provide these brochures free for Muslim youth, our neighbors, as well as our interfaith partners. So please send an email to info@soundvision.com requesting them in bulk. It does cost us money to do mail them, so if you are satisfied with the material, please sponsor printing some more.
4. Security
- Hate crimes against Muslims were already on the rise, including murders and arsons due to Donald Trump inflaming hate, fear, and anger
- Watch out. Sisters, read this again. Travelers, these tips will help. For masjids and individuals, please check out these suggestions.
- Be alert and practice video recording with your phone. There are plenty of tips online on how to do this effectively
- Masjids, but also, homes should invest in security cameras. Many terrorists, as well as hatemongers, are caught thanks to security cameras
5. Seek help with Sabr and Salat (patience and prayer)
- The above subheading is an exact translation of God's command (Quran 2:45)
- Strengthening ourselves with Sabr means developing our endurance for a long-term struggle for peace and justice
- Strengthening ourselves with Salat means connecting with God in worship, since He is the One we depend on
Thinking Points
1. Prepare for more:
- Terror attacks are likely to continue, as are hate crimes against us
- For that reason preparedness is the key
- Develop, establish, and rehearse a crisis management routine for your family and organization
2. Election impact
- We almost expected an attack to happen before the election, since ISIS has a pattern. Each time things start getting better for the American Muslim community, such as last June’s positive acknowledgment of Muslims following the death of Muhammad Ali, ISIS perpetrated the Orlando shootings
- Don't slow down your voter registration drives. Instead, work hard to increase your efforts and awareness about the need and urgency to vote in your Muslim community
- Hire college students for evening and weekend registration drives. Remember that in most states, voter registration closes 30 days before the election, which puts it at October 8 this year. But double-check your state’s policies in this regard.
Long term
1. Invest in communication
- Do you have a communication strategy in place?
- Every leading Masjid in each city must develop one. We can help
- Right now as crisis is unfolding in three states where Muslims are allegedly engaged in stabbing and bombing, 95% of all Masjid leadership is not in the Masjid, but in their offices working on their job. Volunteerism is great, but we need to professionalize our Masjids. Staff should be here when need arises. Please read our take on Rethinking Masjids
- Consider contributing to Sound Vision's Strategic Communication Center
- Support America’s only daily Muslim talk show, Radio Islam
2. Invest in coalition-building
- Interfaith is a good effort, but it represents just one segment of society, which is mostly resource poor
- How is your relationship with local African-American organizations, Latino groups, and labor unions? These communities are key allies
3. Invest in Muslim youth.
They know how to communicate better with larger society, and considering that this is going to be a long-term effort, we need to think far ahead
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has said that Dua is the essence of worship. It is our direct line of communication to God. It can be done anytime, in any condition, anywhere.
Take a few extra minutes after each prayer to make Dua for yourself, your neighbors, and for humanity.
Engage your children while making Dua.
Commute time can be used for silent Dhikr (remembrance of God).
It is time to strengthen ourselves for the struggle ahead.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Please Act Today
Here is what we request you to do today to join our "Debunk ISIS & Islamophobes" movement:
- Donate today to help Muslims campaign to “Debunk ISIS & Islamophobes”
- Bring "ISIS Sucks" Billboard Campaign to Your City!
- Forward this email to your other friends
- Share it on social media.


© 2016 Sound Vision Foundation. All rights reserved.
Sound Vision Management
Abdul Malik Mujahid, President, Dr. Ahmed Murad, Vice President; Dr. Muhammad Siddiqi, Executive Director; Taha Ghayyur, Director Communications; Leena Suleiman, Director Creative Engagement; Imam Musa Azam, Director Development; Khaled Al-Sadi, Director Finance; Olivia Richardson, Producer Radio Islam; Samana Siddiqui, Content Manager
Sound Vision Board
Dr. Khalid Riaz, Secretary; Taufiq Ahmed, treasurer; Janaan Hashim; Hannah ElAmeen; Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Fuad Lashkarwala.
Sound Vision
2701 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL. 60659, USA
Sound Vision is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization
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[Newsletter 2016-09-19]
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