"Say: O Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Quran 39:53)
Whether it's watching porn, lying, backbiting or other vices, our sins accumulate daily.
We may try to hold our tongues, lower our gaze, not disrespect our parents or avoid a myriad of sins God has ordered us to avoid, but as humans we are weak, and we can and do make mistakes.
But while God is just and holds us responsible for our actions, the doors to His forgiveness are always open; doing Haram and seeking forgiveness in Islam is always there. No matter how awful our sin, Allah is always ready to hear and accept our repentance, provided it is sincere and results in change for the better, so never stop making dua for forgiveness.
In the Quran, God repeatedly reminds us that He is the Forgiving and the Merciful.
Read Quranic verses from sura Al-Furqan (Quran 25: 63-73) for a better understanding of these issue. Here is a translation of some Quranic verses and its commentary (Quran 25: 68- 70):
"Who invoke no other deity along with Allah, nor take any life which Allah has forbidden save justly; who do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse and whoso does that shall meet its penalty;
His torment shall be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide in it in ignominy
Unless he repents and reaffirm his believes and does righteous works.(1) For such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds.(2) Allah is Ever Forgiving, Most Compassionate."
(1). This is good news for those whose life has been stained with various kinds of sin in the past but who later repent and firmly decide to amend their behavior. The present verse amounts to a proclamation of general amnesty, which for millions of sinners provided a ray of hope and prompted them to reform themselves.
The extent to which this provision of repentance saved the Arabs who were otherwise given to many a vice is evident from a number of incidents during the life of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). Let us consider the following example, narrated by Tabari on the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said: "One night when I returned from the Prophet's Mosque after offering Isha Prayers, I saw a woman standing outside my door. I said 'Peace be on you' and went into my room, closed the door, and began to offer nafl (supererogatory) Prayers. After some time, she knocked at the door. I opened the door and asked her what she wanted. 'I have come to ask you a question. I committed adultery and became pregnant. Then a baby was born and I killed him. Now I have come to ask you if there is any chance that my sin be forgiven?' I said: 'Absolutely not'. At this she went away grief-stricken, exclaiming: 'Alas, this piece of beauty was created for the Hell-fire.'
"The next day, after the Fajr prayers, I narrated the whole incident to the Prophet (peace be on him). He said: 'How wrong an answer you gave, O Abu Hurayrah! Have you not read those verses in the Quran: "Those who invoke no other deity along with Allah nor take the life which Allah has forbidden – save justly; who do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse – and whoso does that shall meet its penalty, his torment shall be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection and he shall abide in it in ignominy – unless he who repents and believes and does righteous works. For such Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is Ever Forgiving, Most Compassionate. Whosoever repents and does good, he returns to Allah in the manner he should" (Al-Furqan 25:68-70). Upon hearing this answer from the Prophet (Peace be on him), I went out and searched for the woman. I met her after Isha Prayers and told her what the Prophet (peace be on him) had said. She prostrated herself and said, 'Thanks be to God, Who has opened the door of forgiveness for me.' Then she repented and freed a female slave and also the son of that slave." (See Tabari, 'Tafsir', comments on Surah al-Furqan 25:68-70 Ed.)
(2). Doing Haram and seeking forgiveness in Islam, this has two meanings. One, that when a person repents and gives up his evil actions and begins to perform vitreous deed, in this new phase of life, of Faith and righteous conduct, his good deeds will replace the evil deeds of his past. Second, that as a result of his repentance, not only are the evil deeds which he committed during this period of disbelief and sinful living forgiven, but each person will be awarded for having given up a life of disbelief and transgression and for replacing it with obedience and Faith. Moreover, for as many times as such people feel ashamed of their past evil deeds, they will be rewarded that same number of times for having asked for forgiveness from God. Feeling ashamed of one's sins and asking for forgiveness is, in itself, a good deed. In this manner, all of one's evil deeds will eventually be replaced by good deeds and one will not only be saved from punishment, but will also be amply rewarded.
Commentary from Towards Understanding the Quran with some abbreviation
just pray to Allah guys it
just pray to Allah guys it will surely help.It is the solution to everything
I have a question
If someone watches porn will their good deeds be removed from them?
I heard it from a youtube video to do with islam
No. your good deeds don't get
No. your good deeds don't get removed. If you do something sinful then you only increase in your bad deeds. Your bad deeds do get removed if you repent and if you follow up a bad deed with a good deed. Intention is also very important in Islam. Whatever actions you do is based on your intention and you will get based on what you intended. if you have more questions you can check out www.islamicboard.com
Lost myself
Aslamailakum, I'm in need of help I was born in a western society and during my secondary school years I shed myself away from islam and a Muslim identity wanting to "fit in" I'm a college student now and it's come to the point where I couldn't recognise myself as a Muslim girl, I drank, had gone to clubs, kissed a boy, never prayed, but was still studying and avoiding small things like say pork, or haram meat (random I know) anyway I feel like I'm completely outside an Islamic way of living, because I spent so much time with non muslims, I don't know how to start again or how to establish a connection with allah and fear him and only want to seek his please any advice out there?? I've been reading quran apps, and doing mama but I feel no real connection, I don't really feel religious or in the deen at all but badly want to be, please help, I just need to know that there's hope for me and I can become a better muslim in a.western society, thank you
It’s very easy
If You have it in ur heart that You want to change and You know that you went astray then ther is no problem
It’s a modern world but don’t forget what’s halal and what’s haram
Allah forgives everything he is the most powerful and the most merciful
Start by praying 2 rakat namaz
Then do taubah
Let it all out or let me say confess everything to him yet he knows it all but he is waiting for You to come and ask for forgiveness so that he may forgive you
He is always waiting for us to go to him and ask for forgiveness
Don’t worry never lose hope
Now ther is social media You can connect to Muslims around the world so don’t worry
I’ll b here whenever you need me just be strong
Thank You
Assalamualaikum! i am happy
Assalamualaikum! i am happy that u have acknowledged urself and are willing to change for better & that itself has gotten u close to allah . I feel if u simply first start offering namaz on time and sincerely ask allah for forgiveness and what u wish to have in future and at last during Isha namaz like u write ur journal .. just say allah what all good u did in day and what u don’t want to repeat again .. I feel this way u might feel good abt urself and will depend on allah for everything . This way helps me . I hope it helps u too .
Wa'alaikum as'salaam. So long
Wa'alaikum as'salaam. So long as we are alive, we have hope because we can repent and return back to Allah. When we're dead, it's too late. So have hope and work towards the path you want to walk. First thing to do is repent for the sins you have done and ask Allah for guidance. And then start from the basics like a non-Muslim would. Learn what Islam is and read up on it from books and reliable websites like soundvision. You can't have eman (faith) without knowledge. Secondly, you should distance yourself from these non-Muslims friends that are a bad influence on you and try to reconnect with the Muslim community and Muslims. If your in university then seek out MSA (Muslim student association) or some other Muslim organization. Also see if there's a sister's halaqa or other event at the masjid. Also find support with Muslims at forums like forum.netmuslims.com or www.islamicboard.com
No matter what sins you did BUT DO NOT GIVE UP ON ALLAH!
You can hang out with non-Muslim friends, but you must wear long sleeve shirt and long jean/trouser. If you would like to be a good Muslim person and would like to ask Allah to forgive your sins. You must follow the rules: (or click this link and read it carefully http://www.wikihow.com/Ask-Allah-for-Forgiveness)
1) Understand your mistake.
2) Do not ask for forgiveness under the pressure of others
3) Make up your mind to never repeat the mistake.
4) Apply the three factors that determine the effectiveness of your 'Tawbah'.
5) Recognize if someone else was also affected by your sins or mistakes.
6) Know that Allah is the most merciful of all and is naturally disposed to forgive.
7) Put your trust in the power of 'Tawbah'.
8) Perform Salah.
9) Ask Allah for forgiveness after the salat (prayers).
10) Ask Allah for forgiveness day and night.
11) Use Allah's different names that attribute his kindness and forgiveness.
12) Fast during the month of Ramadan.
13) Remember that good deeds can help in erasing bad deeds
14) Do charity (Zakat).
15) Perform Hajj.
16) Practice self-control to avoid such situations in future.
17) Do not miss out on doing those 'small little things' that could supplement you in seeking forgiveness.
18) Rely on the duas mentioned to seek forgiveness
19) Never give up to ask Allah to forgive your sins.
Remember Allah always forgive everyone only those who are not giving up to ask Allah for forgiveness. You should talk yourself in your heart with Allah, eg; "Dear Allah, I ask you to forgive my sins. I am really sorry for hurting you and making you sad. I will never ever do that and I promised you. Ya Allah, you are always there for me when I am sad and happy which I am really appreciated for you. I really love you so much more than you think or more than the universe. Ya Allah, you are my Lord, you are my king and you are my everything and I am your servants."
Anyway, it's really your choice do you want to give up on Allah or would you like to continue with it? I am not forcing you but imagine an angel is on your left side and a devil is on your right side. So which path are you going to choose? If you choose an angel and you should listen to his/her right path which Allah will be happy. If you choose the wrong path, then a devil would be happy and you will be welcome in Hell. Doesn't matter if you did sins BUT remember do not give up! Pray 5 times in a day but make sure do not pray late! Take fasting every year in a month and read Quran sometimes if you have time. But if you are busy such as you are looking after your babysitter or busy in the kitchen or have work. This is fine because of course Allah can see you. If you are a rich person, then save up money and send them to poor people. Because did you know the poor people will pray for you. They will be appreciated by you for being helping them.
Thank you and goodluck.
WalaikumAsalam sister
WalaikumAsalam sister
i can totally understand your problem sis. U dont have to worry. Allah has made ways for all. And when you have decided once to be on the right path you definitely can be. You will face distractions ofc bc you have been among nonmuslims for so long. You had a different lifestyle earlier but remeber when there is a will there is a way. It will take tine but you dont have to loose hope. I am a muslim since the day i was born and i live in a muslim society deslite that i have commited so much sins. Remember no one is perfect. But i always seeked Allahs forgiveness. I know you want to feel things you need to feel that spirit. Itvwould happen trust me. It will tkae time but you have to stay strong in your deen you have totrust him you have to believe and eventually you will feel it. Try these things:
- download duas in your phone of forgiveness, take ss and read them whenever you are free.
- follow the islmaic pages and muslim vloggers/bloggers.
-follow hijabees.
- do hijaab in cas eif you want to.
- donot do everything at once do it step by step. Donot ever burdensome yourself.
-recite dua when you wake up and sleep.
-do good to people and expect only from god.
- start believing in naseeb.
-invocation is important
Islam is a really good and peaceful religion.you will surely be successful in your mission. My best wishes are with you. And remember pray five times a day recite quran daily with all your heart. Try to lessen your sins. May Allah guide you. i hope it was helpful. Stay blessed ♡
Dear Zoha Amir,
Alhamdulillah, Allah have touch and soften your heart to go back to His path.. Keep praying to Him and don't ever lost your hope to become a better Muslim.. Allah want to see your efforts.. In shaa Allah He'll bring you to His path sooner or later eventually.. Do the good deeds.. Try to prevent yourself from doing somethings harom.. This effort will counted.. Then you will feel the connections.. In shaa Allah.. Everytime you wake up talk to yourself "I want to be a better person today.." and recite Fatihah anytime you free.. try it.. you'll find your inner peace..
I've been there and done that..
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