Saturday | Rabiul Awal 29, 1437 AH | January 9, 2016
Assalamu Alaikum.
Once again bad news has hit our community.
One Muslim in Philadelphia is arrested on shooting a police officer. Two Iraqi refugees are arrested on the charges of supporting ISIS. While Dallas police found another Muslim-hating nut who shot a person dead.
Talking Points
- Please don't remain silent
- Call your local TV station and speak as a Muslim giving feedback about their coverage. Google your "city name" "tv stations" to find the phone numbers
- Tell them that your mosque leadership regularly meets and cooperates with police and FBI to protect ourselves and our neighbors, considering that more than 70 mosques have been attacked in 2015 alone
- No sane person can attack police whose job is to protect us all
- Mental Health issues:
- Thank them if they had mentioned in their news coverage that the attacker's mom is saying that the attacker had mental health issues
- If they did not mention it, ask them why they failed to mention the attacker's mom's statement about his mental health issues
- Ask them if they plan to do a story on Muslims and Sikhs being attacked and murdered across the country. Just yesterday, it was finally determined that the Christmas eve deadly shooting in Dallas was motivated by hate towards Muslims
Thinking Points
- As long as war-terror-hate cycle continues, unfortunately, there will be more terror, more hate, more drones etc. Can you join a peace or anti-war group to break this cycle of war-terror-hate?
- Is your masjid contributing to civic coalitions?
- Are you and your community doing enough to relate to your media positively? Note: when media only focuses on the crimes committed by Muslims, it helps Islamophobe's agenda that Islam is the problem
- This one-sided exaggerated coverage encourages other nuts to kill Muslims. No one is keeping a count of how many Muslims and Sikhs are killed in the USA. It happens often. Just within two months after the March 2015 Chapel Hill shootings of three Muslim students, we counted 12 murders of Muslims in America
- Is there a plan in your community to create awareness about mental health issues in the community. Look up for a journal of Muslim Mental Health
- The Philli shooter was not connected with any mosque. Research shows that connection with a mosque most of the time has moderating influence. What are the plans in your mosque to publicize its activities to connect more people to the mosque?
Communication, Coalition-building, and Serving Humanity were the three pillars of the Prophetic peace movement to bring peace, peace be upon him. We must see how much time and money we are putting in these three areas individually, as well as organizationally, as we overcome with Sabr the challenges we face.
Please support Sound Vision's Strategic Communication Initiative to do crisis management for the Muslim community and develop resources to enhance our communication, coalitions and services.
We were the only organization which provided talking points and thinking points to our communities after the Dallas Cartoon Attacks, after the Paris Attacks, & after the San Bernardino Attacks.
We need your support to help the community better.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Please Act Today
Here is what we request you to do today to join our "Debuk ISIS & Islamophobes" movement:
- Donate today to help Muslims campaign to “Dubunk ISIS & Islamophobes”
- Be a Debunk Volunteer by signing up here
- Forward this email to your other friends
- Share it on social media.

Please join Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, the Founder and President of Sound Vision, to explore how the hate against Islam and Muslims could be devastating for our country America.
Webinar will be held on Sunday, January 10, 2015 at 10 am CST / 11 am EST.
Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid (Chicago) is an award winning author and a producer. >>> Register NOW!

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Abdul Malik Mujahid, President, Dr. Ahmed Murad, Vice President; Taha Ghayyur, Manager Development; Khaled Al-Sadi, Manger Finance; Tahera Rahman, Producer Radio Islam; Samana Siddiqui, Content Manager
Sound Vision Board
Dr. Khalid Riaz, Secretary; Taufiq Ahmed, treasurer; Janaan Hashim; Hannah ElAmeen; Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Fuad Lashkarwala.
Sound Vision
2701 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL. 60659, USA
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