There is clearly a move away from the attitude that couples should stay together even in the unhappiest of marriages for the sake of the children, a view once held by many Muslim immigrants.
Mediation can help save marriages! The job of the mediator is to listen to both sides, to help the clients identify what the problem is, where the conflict is, and then allow them to listen to each other.
Here is a sample schedule of activities you and your family can do together in these first 10 days of Zul Hijjah. We have formatted this to fit an activity per day. You can also combine two or three activities together.
For Muslims who live in an environment where Eid today is given little, if any, recognition, it's the responsibility of families and communities to make sure the holiday is fun, exciting, and memorable for all, especially kids. Here are some ways to do that.
Black History Month is not simply a time for African-Americans to take pride in and to educate others about their history and achievements. It is also a time for Muslims to educate themselves.
Their number is not known with certainty. Perhaps they were only two or twenty. Regardless, these women approached the man who had thus far, given them hope for this world and beyond.
Neighborhood windows rattled when the taxi cab exploded with Shahpara Sayeed in it, allegedly ignited by her angry husband on August 24, 2000. While the media forgot about the incident, domestic violence continues.