It is hard,
So hard.
The stress,
The expectation,
The obligation:
“Uphold the family image”
“ Uphold Islam”
“ Make something of yourself”
“ Be successful”
“ Get better Grades”
“ Prove to your teachers you can”
“ Be an example to your siblings
to other Muslim women”
“ You have more opportunities then I ever had”
“ Why aren’t you studying”
“ Study harder”
“ Do your homework”
“ Listen to your teachers”
“ What are they teaching you”
“ You just have to work harder”
“ You don’t take school serious enough”
“ You can be anything you want…….
anything at all…………”
But, what do I want to be
What do I want to study
Can I please them all?
Can not be a failure
Can not fail
Can not fall.
Oh Allah, as the Prophet prayed for his cousin Abdullah, please
" O Lord, make (Me) acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islam and instruct
(Me) in the meaning and interpretation of things."
Grant me Patience,
Grant me strength,
Grant me knowledge
Let me be guided to the straight path
Chose a good career
Please my parents
Propogate Islam
Please Allah do not let me fail
Do not let me fall.
true poem awsome <3 muahhh
awsome poem
I go through this every day I am told that I need to work harder and harder to get to a better place in life and to top it off I must be a good Muslimah and not bring shame to my forefathers name. I like the stress at times because it keeps me on top of everything but other times I just want to sit back and watch for once instead of being a over achiever.
I have always gave my best to school, and even though I failed sometimes, my parents were very understanding. And they would respond to me "That one needs to fall to stand up." In plain english one does need to fall to understand success. I could relate to this peom becasue I have friends and family members who think like this poem. But I beleive the real issue is that parents today do not understand Psycolghy. Because of lack ot education and how most mulsim women did not recieve the chance to be highly educated; I don't think they understand, that even though as humans we try and give our best in school... that is all that we can really do...is to give our best. Just in simply words, if a child was taught how to speak english and not thier native langage, and later in life the same child is told to learn his or her native language... it becomes tough to learn. Another probluem is that if one's parents taught thier child that the grass is red, then that child is always going to believe that the grass is red... no mattter how many other people says that the grass is green. So let's say the child's school teacher says that you have recieved an 85 on your test which is the best score in the class, but really the child does not think that 85 is a good score, becuase the child's parents has always taught him that 100 is the best score, and anything lower then that is bad!!! My final point is that we should try and encourage others to learn the new science psycoghly.
someone from Hawa, Nuneaton, England - wrote on 4/10/2005 2:43:49 PM"It is hard to be a teen today especially when our older muslim sisters are not following the straight path of Islam. Mothers are passing to their daughters incorrect attitudes to life. For example, here in Nuneaton, England, divorce is on the rise at an alarming rate and this is not only true to Nuneaton but throughout the muslim world especially in the west because of the rise of feminism. It is time we as sisters looked carefully at what is going on and bring up our children according to the Quran and islamic Shariah."i just want to say that this is not true and that being a feminist is totally halal. in fact, the prophet (pbuh) was a big feminist as he was always fighting for women's rights. the word "feminist" by western standards which means fighting for having women wear the most revealing clothes that could be found is not really feminism if that is what you're trying to say. i just wanted to clear up that misconception. another thing i wanted to say is that the poem is great and it expresses how teenagers feel. i think you should post it on the parents page as well so that they know how their children feel. and i would like to thank whoever wrote it because they have been able to express many people's feelings.JazakAllah
This poem is totally true. Parents do nag A LOT. However,it usually is for our own good. We must respect our parents as commanded by Allah(swt). We should also make duah and be patient. Inshallah, Allah will help us and guide us. Ameen.
That is how my life is exactly. The poem can potrait my life right now. I am 15 and my parents are always telling me those same exact words. This poem tell life of a average muslim teenager
Mashallah. I was looking for articles that teenagers wrote so I can understand how my children feel--I have 2, almost 3 teens in my house. Everything you say in your poem, is what my husband and I say to our children. Your poem made me cry, because, we, as parents, should really put our trust in Allah and have some faith in our teenagers. May Allah bless you and make you stronger in your faith. You also need to realize that if it wasn't for your parents naggings, you may have not been able to come to this realization and become such a good muslim as you are.
It is hard to be a teen today especially when our older muslim sisters are not following the straight path of Islam. Mothers are passing to their daughters incorrect attitudes to life.For example, here in Nuneaton, England, divorce is on the rise at an alarming rate and this is not only true to Nuneaton but throughout the muslim world especially in the west because of the rise of feminism. It is time we as sisters looked carefully at what is going on and bring up our children according to the Quran and islamic Shariah. Sisters keep these ill feelings away from our teens and if divorce occurs, please follow the Fatwa on Child Custody and Contact by Mohammed Ibn Adam (Leicester).
wow this is so true!! i can relate. as ateen, this really helps your good mashalah
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