Here are the words to the original Mother’s Day Proclamation. The original Proclamation was an impassioned call for peace and disarmament around the world.
This book, by Rose Wilder Lane, daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder, is part of her work the "Discovery of Freedom", which is considered a seminal work in the American libertarian movement, and focuses on the Islamic contribution to freedom.
The day after Thanksgiving every year, Americans of all backgrounds are encouraged to participate in the National Day of Listening. Encourage your kids to do the same with their friends.
Part of a successful and happy Eid is plans for Eid ahead for how to celebrate our wonderful holiday. Here are some things to keep in mind when developing an Eid day plan to make it fun and festive.
Eid offers an excellent opportunity to share one aspect of Islam with your child's teacher and classmates at school. This is a sample letter parents can send to their child's teacher asking for permission to make a class presentation about Eid-ul-Adha.
Good communication is key when working with your child's teacher. This is why this sample letter can help when conveying the importance of getting your child a day off for the Eid-ul-Adha break. It is respectful and clearly states your child's need for time off without disrupting the class schedule.
It tends to be a hush-hush topic, but let's face it: the Muslim community is not immune to domestic violence. In fact, domestic violence transcends all demographics and can be found in your own backyard.