Qur'anic teachings were designed to ensure the maximum welfare of all family members, so they do not create impossible situations by ignoring the human realities of conflict and divorce.
Although families have many roles and functions, their main value lies in the web of intricate relationships they weave, which are irreplaceable by any other social form or structure.
Every day is filled with wonderful opportunities to tell the special person in your life, how grateful you are for this relationship. Here are some simple ways to shower husband appreciation to wife and vice versa, everyday.
Here is a sample budget form is largely based on information from a pre-marriage program developed for married Muslim couples by Muslim counselor Shahina Siddiqui from ISSA.
Apart from getting together with extended family, catching a movie with friends, or going out to eat, Eid ideas are sometimes hard to come by. It’s tempting to fall into old routines. Here are seven unique Eid-ul-Adha 2021 ideas to try out this year with family, friends or both.
When Masjids do not welcome children, children will find other places to go. At the Masjid children often receive criticism for their noise, for how they dress, for playing basketball instead of praying Sunnah, and so on. In the schoolyard, children receive praise for their jokes, their clothes, and their athletic abilities. Where will our children prefer to spend their time?
Engaging your child in conversation is easier said than done. But they won’t be the one to change in your relationship - it has to be you. You’re the parent, it’s your responsibility.