May 4: Security Process, Arrival 5, Dinner 6 PM |

May 4: Security Process, Arrival 5, Dinner 6 PM

Assalamu Alaykum

We would like to thank you for honoring us with your presence at Sound Vision’s benefit on May 4th, 2019. This email contains critical information regarding the dinner.

Insha Allah it will be a great evening where we commit ourselves to be first class Muslims and first rate Americans, and also learn how to help the next generation   Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This is Sound Vision’s commitment.

As many of you know, our keynote speaker Rep. Ilhan Omar has been the target of multiple threats, therefore we are taking her security, and yours seriously.  Security for the event will be coordinated by Federal, local and private law enforcement personnel. Though we deeply appreciate your support of Congresswoman Omar, security protocols for the event require that a ‘buffer zone’ be maintained around her and attendees will not be permitted to enter that space.  As this is a private event, live streaming or video recording will not be permitted, except for designated personnel.

Here is what you should expect:

Sound Vision programs always start on time, so for a 6 PM dinner, we recommend arriving by 5 PM to accommodate security screening. Security screening will take place prior to entering the ballroom which includes metal detection, and bag check. 

Registration Process:

After security clearance, you will proceed to registration.  Upon completion of registration, you will be given a wristband to wear;  please do not remove your wristband as this will grant you access to the Grand ballroom and prayer hall.

There will be 5 registration tables:

  1. Table for online tickets. Please bring a printout of the online ticket

  2. The line for those who have purchased tables. You must provide names, emails, and phone numbers of those who will be on your tables to expedite the process.

  3. Individual tickets line. If you have paid to someone provide the person’s name.

  4. Those with tickets but have not paid yet.

  5. Guests, Speakers, Presenters, Awardees


  • 6 PM: Buffet opens. There will be 5 buffet tables which can be accessed from both sides of the table so altogether 10 lines can be formed.

  • 7 PM: Program begins which includes Keynote by Ilhan Omar, awards to Rabbi Brant Rosen & Rev. Dr. Don Wagner, presentation by Abdul Malik Mujahid, inspiration by Shikh Kifah

Look forward to welcoming you this Saturday.

Based on what Sound Vision team briefing, I believe this is going to be one amazing program.

Peace in peace
Your brother
Abdul Malik Mujahid

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