1. Dua
Ask Allah to make this the most awesome, spiritually uplifting Ramadan you've ever had. Only He can make it happen and relying on Him completely is one step in boosting our spirits.
2. Quiet your mind, turn off the...
TV, internet, radio, cell phone, pager, iPod, etc. No, not all day, but for at least 10 minutes a day. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and connect with God. At first, your mind will swirl with the useless and not-so-useless info in your head. But force it to think of three things in these few minutes:
- Allah
- your purpose in life
- are you living your life on purpose?
Do this every day of Ramadan if you can. If that's not possible, try it at least three times a week.
3. Learn about great Muslims
Even if you've read it before, read or listen to Abdul Wahid Hamid's Companions of the Prophet again this Ramadan. Read about or listen to the story of a Companion daily. Well-written and short, this is a wonderful way to see how other Muslims retained their strength of faith against incredible odds. A sure-fire spirituality booster.
4. Connect to the Quran
The Quran is God's way of talking to us. It's one of the most important keys to spiritual upliftment. This Ramadan, connect to the Quran in a new way. If you already read Quran regularly, perhaps you can choose a new theme to focus on or select a Surah you haven't read in a while. If you don't read Quran regularly, maybe you can read just two minutes of Quran a day, reading only from the first page you encounter when you open up the Book.
In addition, try to keep a Quranic journal to record your reflections, questions, thoughts, etc. about what you've read.
5. Take care of others
Whether it's someone who's away from their family, a person who's having problems with a spouse or their kids or a fellow student struggling with their grades, make an extra effort this Ramadan to help others out. The spiritual boost you get in return is well worth it.
6. Feed the hungry
While your stomach shrieks in protest, give that panhandler some change, volunteer at a soup kitchen, get involved with your local food pantry or make a couple of bag lunches to give to the hungry you meet on your way to school or work.
7. Give up one lifelong bad habit
Ask yourself what some of your defining traits are. Then decide which is the worst of them. Is it a hot temper? Apathy? Laziness? Impatience? Whatever it is, use this Ramadan to put an end to it. Practice the opposite of your bad habit every day until the end of the month. By then Insha Allah, you'll look back and be amazed at what a change you've made for the better.
8. Use those Nights of Power
The last ten nights or Ramadan aren't called the Nights of Power for nothing. Use these precious times for deep, heartfelt Dua (supplication), self-analysis, reflection and serious thought.
Raamadan Mubarak <3
Thankyou for this it has really helped me I may be in my chemistry lesson but its really good thankyou im in year9 thankyou soo much x
Great and inspiring website,
Great and inspiring website, Jazakumullahu Khairan..
Very useful tips, let me rise
Very useful tips, let me rise and pray my tarawee and tahajud, Allah bless you for this dawah.
For every action, there is
For every action, there is always a criteria set up to achieve d aims nd objective. I pray to Allah to make it easy and acept it as act of ibadah and equally acept our prayer nd grant us paradise.
Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!
Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!! Alhamdulillah!!! for the opportunity given by Almighty Allah the teachings of this great religion (Al-Islam) may Allah reward the contributors abundantly Ameen.
I bought a manual called save a breakup system from www.saveabreakup.com and I gotta admit it helped me a lot, this manual teaches you tricks how to get your ex back, how to heal a broken heart, and how to breakup if you want to..I love it and it works great.
An interesting reminder to all muslim ummah. This piece is a complete guide to all mankind throughout ones life not just for the sake of Ramadan. I employ muslims to know the reason of existence. We are in this world on a transist.
Infact I will make use of your advice from now, and will pass the same message to those who will like it. may you be bless with more knowledge.Jazakumllau haeran
Wonderful advice. JJK.
Alhamdulillah, great advice. With Ramadhan coming up, I definitely will try this! JazakAllah khair and may Allah reward the writer of this article and the Soundvision team immensely in this world and the hereafter, ameen.
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