(Based on Hanafi School of Islamic fiqh)
Eid is a special occasion and one of the things which makes it so is the Eid ul Adha congregational prayer which is the first thing everyone's list of eid ideas.
Since this prayer comes only once a year, there is often confusion about how to perform this Eid prayer. Here is how to do it:
In general, when praying any Salah, always follow the Imam in prayer. Do not make your movements (i.e. bowing, prostrating, etc.) before he does or different from him.
Eid prayer consists of two units (Rakat in Arabic, singular is Raka). The main difference in the way this prayer and any other prayer of two Rakat is performed is the number of Takbirs that are done.
Takbirs is an the Arabic word referring to when "Allahu Akbar" is said and the hands are raised to the ears.
Step 1: Make an intention of doing two Rakat behind the Imam for Eid prayer along with six additional Takbirs.
The First Raka
Step 2: After the Imam has said "Allahu Akbar" the first time, you should raise your hands and follow. This is the first Takbir of the prayer.
Step 3: There will be 3 Takbirs before the Imam starts reciting Quran. Each time the Imam says "Allahu Akbar", you should follow by raising your hands, then putting them on your sides.
After the third Takbir, the Imam will begin reciting the Quran. At that point, you should put your hands on your chest, with your right hand on top of the left.
Step 4: Listen to the recitation of the Holy Quran. The Imam will recite Surah Al Fatiha (the first Surah of the Quran) and then another Surah.
Step 5: When the Imam says "Allahu Akbar" go into Ruku (the bowing position).
Step 6: Stand up straight when he says Sami Allahu liman Hamidah (Allah hears those who praise Him), and say "Rabbana lakal Hamd" (our Lord praise be to You) in a low voice.
Step 7: When the Imam says "Allahu Akbar" go into Sujud (prostration). You will do two prostrations as in normal prayer.
The Second Raka
Step 8: The Imam will first recite from the Holy Quran (first Surah Al Fatiha and another Surah.
Step 9: After the recitation, before going into Ruku, there will be 3 Takbirs. Follow the Imam. Raise your hands after each "Allahu Akbar". After the third Takbir, go into Ruku (the bowing position).
Step 10: Stand up straight when the Imam says Sami Allah huliman Hamidah, and say "Rabbana lakal Hamd" in a low voice.
Step 11: When the Imam says "Allahu Akbar" go into Sujud. You will do two prostrations.
Step 12: After this, you sit for the complete Tashshahud.
Step 13: After the Imam ends the prayer by turning to his face to the right first and saying "Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah" and then to his left and doing the same, you should follow.
Step 14: Do not get up right away. The Imam will give a short Khutbah (speech). Please stay still and listen. It is recommended to do so.
Asslamu AlikumMay Allah reward all the work and effort you put on your website. I have been using your articles for years and translated them into Spanish to give to new Muslims in my community. Mashaalah. Yusuf AlQaradawi said once: "A man from the desert will meet the Prophet (sws), make shahadah and come back to the desert 3 days later and never see the Prophet again and still he die a Muslim and go to Paradise. Today we read 100 books of fiqh and still we are not sure about the correct wudu." Thank you all for showing Islam as it is: clean and simple. Jazak Allah KahiranSumayah min Puerto Rico
Assalam Alaikum,This article is very educative and useful to new muslim who can read english. May ALLAH continue give you wisdom to continue with the good work, insha allahu paradise is for you.
Assalamu Alaikum,Thank you for an informative site. I read the comments on this article. Your description of the Eid salaah is an accepted method by many muslims. What you should have done however, is say that this is according to the Hanafi madhhab. Whenit comes to fiqh issues, qualification of the information is necessary.
Its good to have a website which gives knowledge about Islam to our brothers and sisters across the globe.Please keep up the good work.
Jazak allah Khair for all the infor provided by all brothers/Sisters. We are all in the learning process, and I feel we learn each day of our life. This is a fantastic site and very useful for all of us. Eid Mubarik to all - remember me in your Duaas.
Assalaamu AlaykumMay Allah Subhanahu wata'ala reward you immensely for the good job u are doing. However with your article on the performance of the Id Salaah I agree with the last two writers re- the number of takbeer in either Eid al Adha or Eid al Fitri. When we give sound advice for many Muslims to follow then we should always provide the daleel for our statements. I too share the the following practise:- that the first raka'at should have 7 takbeers after takbeeratul ihraam and the second rakaah has 5 takbeers after getting up from second prostration of first raka'ah (called i'tidal). This is how it's performed: - After opening takbeer (takbeeratul ihram), recite the opening supplication (subhanakallahumma ...) - the Imam will then make additional takbeer by raising the hands and then place the hand again on the chest; then recite "subhaanallah, walhamdulillaah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, allaahu akbar. This should be done 7 times - After that, the Imam will recite Al Faatihah and finsh the first rakaah as usual On second rakaah after takbeer for i'tidal, the Imam should do 5 takbeers in each of which one would again recite subhaanallaah, wal hamdulillah,wa laa ilaaha illallaah, allaahu akbar.May Allah wa jaal ,SubhanAllah help us in keeping away from innovations in His Deen , Insha'Allah.
I agree with the comment from Indonesia about the 7 and 5 Takbirat. My husband (Egyptian and a scholar) has many books on Shariah law and he checked this year as we were joining some Fijian brothers and sisters in Islam. They also thought 6 and 6. Could you please post where your information comes from. I think if there is an alternative then it is the duty of Muslims giving out information to give the views of the four main schools of Islamic thought or at least to say which school the writer is quoting. By the way, takbir is the singular and takbirat plural. Fine to make the plural takbeers (takbirs) but not the singular.Your articles can be very helpful but many take them as being the only way and even the most usual way, which may or may not be the case. Could you in future quote sources. Many thanks for the initiative and many interesting articles.
I'm very happy to see that internet can be used as the way of our da'wah and learning about Islam.Something I'd like to comment is regarding number of takbeer in either Eid al Adha or Eid al Fitri: the first raka'at should have 7 takbeers after takbeeratul ihraam and the second rakaah has 5 takbeers after getting up from second prostration of first raka'ah (called i'tidal)This is how it's done:- After opening takbeer (takbeeratul ihram), recite the opening supplication (subhanakallahumma ...)- Imam will then do additional takbeer by raising the hands and then place the hand again on the chest; then recite "subhaanallah, walhamdulillaah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, allaahu akbar. This should be done 7 times- After that, Imam will recite al Faatihah and finsh the rakaah as usualOn second rakaah after takbeer for i'tidal, Imam should do 5 takbeers in each of which is to recite subhaanallaah, wal hamdulillah, ... again.I hope this info can be clear for you all. You can find how to perform these eid salats on many books of hadith...Wassalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
1. Extremely useful guidelines and very simple to understand and follow the steps.2. In Step 8: our Imams in Tanzania first say the 3 Takbirs before reciting Al Fatiha, then Surah and normal Takbir for Rukuh. Is that OK?
Thanks for the information, though I am not Muslim, I appreciate learning.
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