Today, Muslim Americans know all too well how the 9/11 tragedy has changed the world. Here are some examples of the impact the terrorist attacks had on the Muslim American community.
She wasn't from a wealthy family, but she was better off than most. However, I think what made her feel for those in need was her relationship with God and passion for service.
Our Prophet was a mercy to all human beings, regardless of their religious, racial, cultural or ethnic background. We, as his followers, must live and spread this message today at a time when hatefulness and ugliness towards each other has become the norm
At this one-month anniversary of the earthquake, the death toll has climbed to 86,000 people according to a World Bank survey. However, it is the living and the injured who everyone is concerned might lose their lives if more help does not reach them fast enough.
Less than a year ago, it was the Tsunami. Last month it was Katrina & Rits. And now we have this earthquake in Kashmir. More than forty thousand people have perished and at least three million are homeless.
Zakat committees are a necessary structure to ensure the good collection and proper distribution of Zakat in Muslim communities. Here are a few guidelines and an etiquette that Zakat committee members need to keep in mind when giving out Zakat.
Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah and do not follow up their spending by stressing their benevolence and causing hurt, will find their reward secure with their Lord. They have no cause for fear and grief.