Women in Masjid survey results (August 2004) | SoundVision.com

Women in Masjid survey results (August 2004)

About 345 persons responded to our web based survey which was originally issued on 8.18.2004. All were from the USA with two from Canada. 74% of the respondents were women and 12% were men. Here are the result of our survey.

Some of the non relevant questions and some of the descriptive answers are not included in these results. The percentages are percentages of the total responses. In cases where multiple options were allowed, the percentage may not come to 100%.

Photo Attribution:  nugroho khoironi  -  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:National_Examination_2009_Indonesia.jpg)


Does your Masjid/Islamic center have a Board of Directors or Shura Council?
Yes - 74 %
No - 3.5 %
Don't Know 23 %


Does your Masjid/Islamic center have women on the Board/Shura?
Yes - 28 %
No - 43 %
Don't Know - 29 %

If yes how many women are on the board?
1-4: 20%
5- 8: 3.1 %
10-20: 1.3 %


How do you rate women's space in your Islamic center/Masjid?
Excellent - 14.5%
Good - 30 %
Acceptable - 30 %
Poor or no space - 24 %


Number of women who normally attend Juma (Friday Prayers)?
0-50: 68 %
51-200: 20 %
201-400: 2 %


In what language are the Friday sermons (Khutbas) primarily given in your Masjid?
English - 72 %
Arabic - 15 %
Urdu - 15 %
Bangla - 0.5 %


Please tell us how many programs the women's committee has organized in the last year?
Quran study - 32 %
Social Services - 18.85 %
Potlucks - 9 %
Open house - 14.5 %
other - 5.5 %


How much is the budget of the women's committee?
No budget - 16 %
Don't know - 50 %


Is there any committee other than the women's committee that is headed by women?
Yes - 21%
No - 29.5%
Don't know - 29 %


How many of the masjid employees are women?
0: 5%
1-5: 9 %
6-15: 2 %
15 and above: 1 %
No (male or female) employees: 17 %
Don't know: 37.5 %

Please tell us about your Masjid/Islamic center?s regular daily or weekly programs:


Quran class/Dars:
Daily - 15 %
Weekly - 62 %
Who are they open to?
Men - 58 %
Women - 6 %
Youth - 40%
Non-Muslims - 26 %
Don't know - 8 %


Arabic class:
Daily - 7.5 %
Weekly - 45.50 %
Who are they open to?
Men - 3.5 %
Women - 35 %
Youth - 28 %
Non-Muslims - 19 %
Don't know - 15.5 %


Weekend School: Is it for
Boys only - 3 %
Girls only - 0.3 %
Coed - 43.5 %
For both but separately - 27.50 %
Don't know - 8 %


Library: Please check all to whom it is accessible:
Men - 55 %
Women - 50 %
Youth - 45 %
Non-Muslims - 28 %
Don't know - 17 %


Does your Masjid force Hijab on women?
Yes - 21 %
No - 54 %
Don't know - 14.5 %

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