Salah keeps us connected to Allah in all circumstances, and it is a gift and obligation we must pass on to young Muslims. Here are a few ways to start that process.
Bullying has become a pervasive problem in the United States. The statistics below offer an overview of the problem, as well as some of the specific types of issues this behavior raises.
When Masjids do not welcome children, children will find other places to go. At the Masjid children often receive criticism for their noise, for how they dress, for playing basketball instead of praying Sunnah, and so on. In the schoolyard, children receive praise for their jokes, their clothes, and their athletic abilities. Where will our children prefer to spend their time?
Despite seemingly logical explanations for those “Mr. and Mrs. Only” invitations, there are good reasons for Muslim families to include children in wedding celebrations. Here are three big ones.
Engaging your child in conversation is easier said than done. But they won’t be the one to change in your relationship - it has to be you. You’re the parent, it’s your responsibility.
The key to a successful relationship, including between parents and teachers, is communication. This is why we've drafted this sample letter you can send to say Eid mubarak teacher and to your child's teacher asking permission to take the day of Eid off from school.
Ever been to weddings where kids either turn the place upside down? If you are a parent who has been invited to a wedding, make sure your kids are gracious guests. Here are a couple of ways to do that.