(This song is also featured in Adam's World 10:The Humble Muslim)
Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we prey,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.
We're all livin' here together on this planet floatin' round the sun
We're all equal to one another, no one's better than anyone
The only ting we have to weigh us all apart
is the faith only Allah can see, deep inside our hearts.
Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we prey,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.
Trying hard to simply be humble and never act too proud
It's easy to trip and stumble with your nose up above the clouds
Its always best to be modest and keep our feet on the ground
Cause pride will eat us up inside if we're arrogant and loud.
Put all our pride away,
always find a gentle word to say
you know we shouldn't fool ourselves,
Allah has given so much to you and me.
Put all our pride away,
Always thank Allah when we prey,
You know we shouldn't be full of ourselves
when we, should be full of humility.
I just love this song so much!
Mashallah !These are the best poems I've ever heard. We've purchased many albums of sound vision and my siblings also love them. inshallah the people who have'nt yet heard these poems will soon hear them and like them
I love this song. It truly inspires Muslim Ummah. MaashaaAllaah!
you have some errors.1.the only thing to weigh us all apart (not ting) 2.always thank allah when we pray (not prey)
the best ever nasheed i ever heard
Salaam,Mashallah you have produced a beautiful track. I have purchased the CD and the album is awesome. A real wake up call. Wasalam
we really loved these beautiful nasheeds and we hope all the other peoples of this world like them as much as us.inshaallah allah will reward brother dawood for all his hard work.jassakallah.
Mashallah these nasheeds are the best i've ever heard and now I can't stop listening to them!The lyrics have touched me so much, may Allah (swt) place his peace and blessings on brother Dawood for all his hardwork.Ameen.
Assalamu Alaykum,MashaAllah brother Dawud's songs are beautiful. May Allah (swt) give him the reward for his efforts.
Masha AllahAll these songs are great!
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