“Allah has the Most Beautiful Names. So, call upon Him by them, and keep away from those who abuse His Names. They will be punished for what they used to do.”
Close your eyes and imagine you are back in high school. You are sitting in English class, with your cheek resting on one hand as you write seemingly meaningless words into your notebook.
Most of my readers probably know my conversion story by now, even though every time I tell it I remember some finer details that I previously forgot to mention. For those that have never heard it, the abridged version looks something like this:
When we think of Islamic cultural legacies, we often reflect on Islam’s Golden Age during the 8th to 13th centuries, Islamic Spain, the Mali Empire, and later the accomplishments of the great Ottoman sultans.
Climate change is not just an environmental problem for Muslims. it is a moral and ethical issue and has already affected many vulnerable communities globally.
Educators encounter students daily from a diverse range of ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, academic abilities, learning styles, and socioeconomic situations. From the very first day of school, teachers often make initial observations of their students as they enter the classroom.