Writing a journal is an exercise many of us who have gone through the North American school system may have encountered in English classes. This unique article offers reasons and tips for using the technique of keeping a journal to develop a deeper understanding of the Quran.
Got your tongue-tied? Not sure how to say no? Having doubts about why you're not going? Consider these tips to help you say no and let the magic happen with Allah's will and help, Insha Allah.
Now is the time for not just condemnation, but also comfort and reassurance in the face of this tragedy. We must not forget the tremendous support American Christians expressed for Muslims in the wake of September 11 and the subsequent harassment of Muslims. It is now our turn to reach out.
You thought you were over the hard part---changing diapers and being awakened throughout the night by your crying baby....etc. But now comes the really hard part---coping with a rebellious, often rude and obnoxious, teenager.
In this challenging society, we as Muslim parents need to bring ourselves closer to our children through education and nurturing. The best teacher a child can have is his or her own parent.
Why not jump on the bandwagon and start reading more about Islam? Understanding Islam is key to building bridges between people at this critical time when tension and emotion are both still high.
Understanding, learning and patience are just some of the things that are necessary at this critical time for all of us trying to heal from the wounds of the September 11 tragedy and deal with the war.