Islamic Study Syllabus 101 |

Islamic Study Syllabus 101

Islamic Study Syllabus 101


Read and memorize last 10 chapters properly along with the 1st chapter.
Use Al-Qari to learn to read the Quran in Arabic.
Build Quranic Arabic vocabulary at one word a day pace from the Abdul Wahid Hamid.
Read Way to the Quran, Khurram Murad


A Day with the Prophet, Ahmad Denffer


Gifts from Muhammad, Khurram Murad


Let's Pray
Children's Book of Salat, Ghulam Sarwar

Other Islamic Books:

Islam: Basic Beliefs and Teachings, Ghulam Sarwar
Islam: the Natural Way, Abdul Wahid Hamid
Towards Understanding Islam, Mawdudi
The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam, Al-Ghazali, tr. Muhtar Holland
Sacrifice: The Making of a Muslim, Khurram Murad
The Cross and The Crescent, Jerald F. Dirks

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