One major cause of problems in the Muslim society today is the absence of Shura. The Shura process, if adopted as a personal behavior and nourished by the family as a way of life, will benefit the Ummah.
Parents talking to their children’s public schools about Ramadan is of immense importance. There are a couple of tips to keep in mind when approaching the school about presenting Ramadan.
The many aspects of Ramadan - fasting, prayers, moral values, charity, Quran, family, Eid - provide a valuable opportunity to train kids. Here are some training tips to transform your children's minds and memories this Ramadan.
With barely a few weeks left, there's little time for us to prepare kids for Ramadan. How can you get kids in the Ramadan mode? Here are a couple of ideas to help make it special this year.
It's only days away and most kids are too busy to really think about Ramadan. But helping kids become excited about the blessed month will help them look forward to fasting and the blessings of the month. Here are some ideas.
Summer's eight weeks can seem difficult for parents, who struggle to keep their kids engaged and enlightened amid the relaxation. This is a detailed, week-by-week guide to keep children ages 4 to 6 busy.
Older kids and tweens can drown in technology during the summer if we're not careful. This is a sample summer plan for this age group that engages them offline in healthy and productive ways.