Below are some ways to help your child avoid pornography and inappropriate sexual images whenever and wherever he or she encounters them. Choose the right ones that can help him or her depending on age and previous exposure to this kind of material.
Like talking to children about sex, discussing how to handle pornography is no easy feat. Here are some ideas and talking points for how to bring it up so you can give your child the Islamic perspective.
There are many genuine and proven ways that how to make your dad happy, to sincerely thank him for the remarkable sacrifices he has made for you, to raise his spirits, and to assist him as he ages.
How to pray Fajr? It's hard enough getting the kids out of bed to get to school on time. But do you ever wonder how some parents get their kids to pray Fajr during school days and get to school on time? Well, it's not so impossible.
What can you, a teenager who doesn't have a lot of money or resources, do to help the needy and poor? More than you think. Most young adults are blessed with the creativity and intelligence to find ways to help others despite limited resources. Here are some tips.
Wouldn't it be great to give charity as a family? You can do this in a systematic way by setting up a family Sadaqa box in a particular spot of the house. Then, convince each person to put a portion of their allowance or salary in this box.
Shura, or mutual consultation, is part of Islamic way of life. But Shura doesn’t just happen. It requires time, commitment, and skill. One of these skills is good listening. Here are tips for better listening.