Over the Memorial Day weekend, Muslims from up and down the East Coast of the U.S. descended on Baltimore, Maryland, for the 49th Annual ICNA-MAS Convention.
Muharram is a significant and important month. Muharram itself is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is often met with passing interest by the Muslim community as simply a day to reflect and change the date on the calendar.
Every year on the first Tuesday in the month of August, Americans gather for the National Night Out. The goal of National Night Out is to connect common concerns between everyday citizens and their neighbors and strengthen relations with local law enforcement. It is traditionally obse
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the flu season is an annual increase of respiratory viral activity that begins in the fall and lasts through the winter. What we call “the flu” is a shortened version of “Influenza” which is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory sy
(With special thanks to volunteers in Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia [the DMV area] from the Muslim Mask Project, who worked out the logistics and determined what works well)
Parents live and die each day. With every smile and burst of laughter, they receive a breath of life. With every tear and the slightest etch of worry on their child’s forehead, they die a bit inside.