Nurturing the Next Generation
Sound Vision
Parenting Tip
Parents must be in the mindful space of parenting for the long haul. Achieving consideration, cooperation, and harmony can take time. While you are working through the challenges you will be spending valuable time together on an important goal - strengthening the bonds between you.
Does Having a Sibling Affect a Child’s Personality?
By Sumayya Khan & Zahirah Lynn Eppard
Most children know where they stand in their parents’ eyes when compared to their siblings. You may have even noticed that being either the eldest, middle, or youngest child has its perks and downsides. It is possible that birth order plays a role in temperament and personality development and it is a topic that has been studied for some time. Read more about the details in the full article.
"An incalculable amount of tension and useless effort would be spared in this world if we realized that cooperation and love can never be won by force."
Alfred Adler, Austrian physician and psychologist
How to Handle Sibling Squabbles
Children of all ages engage in conflict. And when they live in the same household, sibling rivalry plays a role. When squabbles take place, there are ways that parents can mitigate the fighting. Here are five tips suggested in an article entitled “The Psychology Behind Sibling Rivalry” by Jessica Grose.
- Figure out what sets them off.
- Help them learn to resolve conflict.
- Praise them in public and punish them in private.
- Find moments where everyone can come together.
- Understand that arriving at consideration and cooperation takes time.
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“Beware of jealousy; for jealousy eats good deeds the way fire eats wood.”
Preparing Siblings for the New Baby
By Zahirah Lynn Eppard
The arrival of a new baby is a joy in any household. Existing children in the family may be extremely excited and happy most of the time, but there is a good chance that the frustrations of sibling rivalry might also lurk in the background. Here are 15 activities designed to strengthen family bonds before and after the arrival. Read the full article for details.
Some Interesting Facts
Ethan Feinberg, a research professor of health and human development at Penn State University, frequently reports about sibling rivalry, noting that:
- Observational studies have shown that sibling conflict may happen up to eight times an hour.
- Early and middle childhood are particularly difficult times for sibling aggression.
- Other research finds that pairs of sisters tend to be the closest.
- Sibling pairs that include a brother have the most conflict.
- Conflict does decrease into adolescence; “it sort of levels off.”
- Sibling rivalry serves a developmental purpose: It helps children figure out what is unique and special about themselves, otherwise known as “differentiation.”
Book Review: Many a Lesson from a Big Red Lollipop
By Umm Ahmed
Big Red Lollipop by Rukhsana Khan is a story for young children who are adjusting to a younger brother or sister in the family. Based on a true story, the book realistically examines the challenges associated with sibling rivalry from a child’s perspective. It’s an excellent pick for parents welcoming a new addition into the family as well as those who continually find themselves playing the role of a referee. Read more about the story here.
Adam’s World Video: Aneesah’s Potty Training Adventures
Aneesah is entering a new phase - shedding her diapers and learning to use her new potty. In this episode big brother Adam is excited about the changes and ready to help. There is also focus on Allah’s name - Al Khaliq - The Creator of All Things and a naseed by Dawud Wharnsby adds emphasis and visuals. (7:02)
Experienced educators and creative hosts have put together a special treat for the entire family during our Winter Break!
Four separate classes designed for children ages 5 through 12 offer maximum learning opportunities in an engaging learning environment. Students explore:
- the beauty of Allah and His creation
- the best of human ingenuity
- beautiful Muslim lands and cultures
- delicious baked sweets
Recorded classes make it easy to learn at a time that works for your family and in the safety of your home. Tuition is family based and scholarships are available. Make a plan to join us!
Visit Academy.AdamsWorld.org for more details and online registration.
The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.
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