As Muslims and as Americans, we cherish and uphold freedom of religion.This God-given right (Quran 2:256) is enshrined in our constitution. We must retain our role as a nation that leads in democratic values, even as we watch authoritarianism seek to sweep them away worldwide. We must speak up for freedom, liberty, and justice for Uighurs. Here is what you can do:
1. Contact your Congresspersons and Senators
These men and women were elected and chosen to represent you and your concerns. Make sure they hear from you asking them to do the following:
To pass S.3622 & H.R.7123 S.3622 & H.R.7123 - Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2018. It has 21 Senators and 17 congresspersons cosponsoring it. If your congressperson and Senators are not involved please call them. Check Congress.gov for details.
Ask that Uighur be treated as Tibetans. Unlike the Tibetans, Uighur do not benefit from a well-defined U.S. policy supporting their political rights, autonomy and identity.
Open consulates in the East Turkestan regional capital of Urumchi that will permit a closer monitoring of human rights conditions in the region.
Use the “Global Magnitsky Act” to take action against the Chinese officials complicit in human rights violations.
Call on China to immediately release all internees in camps.
Establish a “Special Coordinator for Uighur Affairs.”
2. Write and call the Chinese Embassy
Here are points to make when you communicate with them:
China must close all concentration camps
China must respect families by not taking away children and not inserting Chinese men into Uighur family homes
China must grant Uighurs full freedom of religion: To pray, enter mosques, pay Zakat, fast in Ramadan and perform Hajj
Contact info:
Chinese Embassy - Washington, DC 1-202-495-2266
Consulate - New York 1-212-244-9392
Consulate - Chicago 1-312-453-0210
Consulate - Los Angeles 1-213-807-8097
Consulate - San Francisco 1-415-852-5900
Consulate - Houston 1-713-520-1462
3. Donate to end concentration camps
The Uighur Muslim leadership is disturbed and concerned about the silence and inaction of American Muslims, as well as that of Muslim-majority countries. Sound Vision is helping guide the Uighur leadership, and has arranged meetings on their behalf in Washington DC, Chicago, Toronto, Houston, New York, and Los Angeles. We need your donations to hire two full-time staff and several interns to educate and mobilize to close these concentration camps. Please mail your checks to Sound Vision, 27 E. Monroe St. #700, Chicago IL 60603. Or go online www.SoundVision.com/give
Sound Vision has led many campaigns for Muslims persecuted because of their faith in the past. Bosnia Task Force, and now Burma Task Force are based in Sound Vision. Sound Vision arranges public relations, media, and resource development for the Muslim community.
4. Please volunteer to help this cause
We urgently need volunteers with the following skills. Please email volunteer@SoundVision.com if you can help:
Masjid ambassadors to keep a Masjid informed and engaged on this issue
Organizing presentations and fundraisers
Interfaith outreach to mobilize them for this cause
Social media mobilizers
Writers to record and write stories of Uighur survivors
Translators from English to Arabic, Indonesian, Urdu, Bangla and languages used in various African countries
5. March for Uighurs: April 6, 2019 in DC
April 6, 2019 is the date set for worldwide demonstrations against the Chinese government’s persecution of Uighurs. Please join us in Washington DC or organize in your city.
6. Link and Share
Link to SaveUighur.org from your website and follow Facebook.com/ChinaMuslims joining 43,000 other Muslims who are keeping up with this page for the last six years.
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