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Search results

  1. Definitions of Beauty: In the Eye of the Beholder?

    ... lips and waist, and blue eyes – at various points in U.S. history. There is a huge body of work that is relevant, but here are a few ... “Walker system of hair care” that catered directly to Black women. From humble beginnings, she discovered a formula to address a ...

  2. The Vote Trumps A Lie: Vote For Truth And Integrity

    ... Jr. who was a child in age and size, was the myth that a Black male, any Black male was a threat, especially to White women. Thus, any ... such behavior repugnant and barbaric. A Brief Racial History Of Racism And Voter Intimidation It wasn’t until March 2022 ...

  3. Trick or Treat? Combatting Halloween Fever

    ... parents need to equip themselves with knowledge of the history behind the holiday and understand the implications of participation ... .) It is associated with celebrating superstition, black magic, and devil worship. It requires one to dress up ...

  4. Review: Muhammad, Legacy of a Prophet

    ... goes well beyond the boundaries of the past. "Muhammad is 'history in the present tense,'" says co-creator/producer Michael Wolfe, a ... "America is a racial nation," says James. "Either you're Black, you're White, you're Italian, you're Jewish, you're this, you're that. ...

  5. Looking Up to Contemporary Muslim Role Models

    ... Turkmani made significant contributions as a writer on the history of Islamic science and culture. She utilized her knowledge to study the ... at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2016. As a Black Muslim American woman, she excelled in a rigorous sport despite of the ...

  6. Traveling while Muslim: 37 tips

    ... added to the long-entrenched phenomenon of “Driving while Black”, a law enforcement technique that aims to ferret out criminals by race and religion, instead of actual criminal history or other markers of illegal activity. Profiling is here to stay. ...

  7. Halal Fun and Indoor Play

    ... him, and his companions or other important Muslim figures in history dressed. Have them choose a style they love to dress themselves or ... of a mihrab or prayer nook. You may also look up and print a black and white coloring page of a mihrab online. Using glue or a glue stick, ...

  8. A Juneteenth Reading List of Muslim Authors Exploring the “Black” Experience

    ... in a socio-cultural construct that deliberately distorts the history and achievements of Americans of African descent, while minimizing the atrocities perpetrated against them.  Indeed the “Black Lives Matter'' movement is not a slogan, but a 400-year endeavor and ...

  9. 9 things your family can do during these days of Zul-Hijjah

    ... What can you do with a square-sized cardboard box, some black paint and a line of gold fringe material? Make a model of the Kaba that's ... and its reparations. See The Kaba: Its Size and History! . DAY TWO: Invite a Haji, dim the lights and ..... ...

  10. 15 ways to make Hajj come alive for kids and teens

    ... why each one is done and its spiritual significance and/or history. 6. Build a replica of the Kaba If your kids are into ... all out and build a large one out of wood, then paint it in black and gold. If you’ve got a budding tailor or seamstress, have him/her ...
