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Search results

  1. 11 ideas to take Masjids to the next level this year

    ... 10 million new refugees, and literally destroyed the U.S. economy. We are borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from China to fund ...

  2. Your body and your neighbor in Ramadan

    ... hard work, dedication,  and optimism paid off. But in an economy where eight million jobs have been lost in the last two years, there ...

  3. The Norway killings and rising hate in the world

    ... and mosques need to do more to mediate anger and fear as the economy continues to struggle and fear of diversity continues to rise. ...

  4. An Obama administration must engage Muslims better than the campaign did

    ... the wages of Muslims were down by 10 percent far before the economy hit a crisis stage this year. It is understandable why Muslim ...

  5. 8 things churches can do to fight religious intolerance and bigotry

    ... something that we find lacking, especially when the economy is bad. Fear and bigotry tend to increase in these circumstances. ...

  6. Mali: Muslim country profile

    ... structural adjustment program that is helping the economy grow, diversify, and attract foreign investment. • Mali's ...

  7. A short dictionary of Islamic economic terms

    ... article to make understand with the termenology of islamic economy .try to provide more information in brief.adil kamal ...

  8. Further reflections on September 11

    ... tanks, against civilians. The daily loss to the Palestinian economy is estimated at $12.7 million. The unemployment rate is now 50-60%. Two ... capita having dropped a thousand dollars to $1500. While the economy is bad, the personal humiliation that Palestinians suffer is even ...

  9. What happened to Sr. Hassiba in a US prison

    ... hold the contracts worth billions of dollars to the u.s economy to rebuild what they destroyed.) This hatred towards muslims was born ...

  10. Evolution of Islamic banking and insurance as systems rooted in ethics

    ... see the author's earlier work, Insurance in an Islamic Economy, Leicester, The Islamic Foundation, 1985. 9. Ibn Khaldun, ...
