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Search results

  1. The Quest to Find My Own Beauty

    ... onlookers. But if I take care of my body because it is a gift from Allah and with the intention of showing gratitude to Him, I will ... Let us all try to celebrate our unique beauty which is a gift from Allah. When we look in the mirror, may we clearly see His perfect ...

  2. Unveiling the Beauty of Hijab

    ... us that because we have been presented with this unique gift, Satan is determined to take it away from us out of spite. He says: ... The truth is our tradition is one of honor and piety and a gift from our Lord. To protect ourselves and our families from falling prey to ...

  3. Should My Child Memorize the Quran? Part 2: Ten Steps to Prepare

    ... milestones like completing a surah or juz with a special gift or favorite food. Some parents use sticker charts to track progress and ... uncomfortable. Remind others that memorizing the Quran is a gift (and a test) from Allah alone, so the best way to achieve it is through ...

  4. Seven Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad to Make Home Life Harmonious

    ... be upon him, said: “No father has ever given a child a gift that is superior to good manners.”  (Tirmidhi)  May Allah ...

  5. An Ode to Fathers

    ... equally in all regards. Fathers are indeed a precious gift from Allah and one which is irreplaceable. So let us be dutiful to our ...

  6. The M Word: Teaching Girls about Puberty

    ... Treat her to her favorite sweets or activities or buy her a gift. Take her shopping for feminine products and show her where she can find ...

  7. Establish a Strong Home to School Connection

    ... Be sure to introduce yourself, maybe even bring a small gift to contribute to the classroom (school supplies, stickers, etc.) or for the teacher him/herself (candy, gift certificate, motivational quote, etc). There will be other events, ...

  8. Maryam, Mother of Prophet Isa: An Honored Single Parent

    ... I have dedicated to You what is in my womb as a consecrated gift, so please accept this from me. You are the All-Hearing, the ...

  9. Islam’s Manifesto Of Universal Brother- And Sisterhood

    ... 6. also as that the creation of our differences is a gift from God, so beautiful. That it is a clear sign to all of his existence. ...

  10. Long-Distance Parenting Is Challenging, But Not Impossible

    ... them to enjoy later  Send them a spur-of-the-moment gift Play games or watch movies or sporting events online Read a ...
