Muhammad Ali: Living between Hope and Fear |

Muhammad Ali: Living between Hope and Fear

[This interview was conducted by Shaheen Ahmed and Abdul Malik Mujahid almost exactly 20 years ago at his residence for "Young Muslim" magazine published by Sound Vision.]


It all started with an innocent question: You have beaten some of the toughest men in the world in the ring. What scares you the most?

Ali: [Points to his wife, to much laughter]

Lonnie Ali: Come on, Muhammad, joking aside, tell them what really scares you.

Ali: Nothing.

Lonnie Ali: Nothing on this earth maybe, but ... tell them Muhammad.
[There is a long pause]

Ali: Not going to heaven.
[Everyone present became silent. Sister Lonnie Ali had tears flowing down her cheeks. Others present were also shaken and silent. A few wiping their eyes. Br. Malik Mujahid broke the silence, patting Muhammad Ali on his arm.]

Malik Mujahid: "No, Insha Allah, you will enter Jannah because you have helped so many people."

Ali:[Muhammad Ali turned his face towards Br. Malik Mujahid, looking at him as though asking: Are you sure? Are you sure about yourself?]

Malik Mujahid: "The Mumin lives between hope and fear."



this article is inspirational



I would say, Ali should go to jannah because he helpt Malcom X.


EastOrange N.J.

This article is the bomb


Oakland, CA


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