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Search results

  1. What can I do for Kosova?

    ... SACRIFICE: Donate generously for Kosova. Have a donation box in the Kosova room, set a weekly goal for collection. ...

  2. 18 ways to achieve greatness through gratefulness

    ... Procrastination in offering your prayers, delaying a donation to a humanitarian cause, or filling your leisure time with ...

  3. 10 ways you can support Muslim media

    ... publications. Encourage them to subscribe and give an extra donation if the publication does not already have a specific subscription rate ...

  4. How can you make a difference in 2012?

    ... and for your children's future. It is as important as a donation to a Masjid. We must not allow hate speech to dictate laws. 2. ...

  5. Shattering our image of "the other"

    ... Red Cross in organizing large scale blood drives. If a blood donation center can be set up in a masjid or Islamic school, this is even ...

  6. Sharia 101: Articulating Muslim American perspectives on Sharia

    ... for profit Waqf lillah. Donate online Or send your donation to Sharia 101 Project by mailing your checks. Volunteer for ...

  7. 9 things you can do for Islam in 2004

    ... It's easy to drop a couple of dollars in a Masjid donation box, but it's not so easy to devote a couple of hours every few weeks ...

  8. The London bombings

    ... are a member or not. Most Masjids don't have membership or donation requirements. Most don't even have a resident Imam or a full-time ...

  9. 10 tips to liberate yourself from fear

    ... on behalf of others. Whether it be organizing a masjid donation to help refugees throughout the world, or putting in a few hours at ...

  10. Interview with Prof. Nejatullah Siddiqi

    ... opinion has approved of Takaful or insurance on the basis of donation, Tabarru, gift. Let us take car owners. They should put in some ...
