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Search results

  1. MUHSEN: Leading the Charge for Inclusion

    ... occupational, or speech therapy. And also, by making a donation.  Turn back to our rich Islamic history as a reminder and for ...

  2. Inner dimensions of Zakat

    ... humility The sixth duty to think little of one's donation, for to regard it highly is to invite that pride which is one of the ...

  3. 30 Fun Summer Activities (that Are Also Productive)

    ... Provide a Community Service   Make a donation at a food bank. Offer to go to the grocery store for a neighbor. ...

  4. 22 ideas for simple pre-Eid-ul-Adha planning

    ... spread the joy to children in need. Encourage a family donation for kids in a specific part of the world. Or if you know a family ...

  5. A Call to Action: Increasing Muslim Children’s Literature in our Libraries

    ... together a Muslim children’s literature collection as a donation to the library. However, this shouldn’t be done without first having ...

  6. My Intentions & My Time as I Reach the End of Ramadan: Questions to Ask Myself

    ... Have I visited the sick? Have I assisted with a donation of money or my human capital of knowledge or skill at my local Masjid ...

  7. 7 Ways Fathers Can Plan a Ramadan to Remember

    ... of practicing Sadaqa because Shaytan is locked away. The donation appeals and opportunities to connect with and serve people are ...

  8. Zakat Calculator

    ... 0?confirm("Transfering to Sound Vision's donation ...

  9. 9 ways to cope with job loss Islamically

    ... bank balance. But consider this: in 2018, the average online donation amount to non-profits in the U.S. was $128 .  This is in ...

  10. 9 tips for Eid gifts on budget and affordable

    ... bring to the post-Eid luncheon or dinner. 3. Give a donation in a person's name For adults, consider giving a donation of an unspecified amount of money to their favorite charity. Then, on ...
