The most awaited celebration of the year is around the corner. Soon the house will be bustling with energy, children beaming at the thought of receiving Eid gifts and goodies, and parents gaining inspiration from the story of our Prophet Ibrahim’s, peace be upon him, unwavering obedience to Allah.
Nonetheless, it can be overwhelming for us parents, as we want to provide our children with a variety of experiences, setting the bar higher each year.
It's a good idea to let the children take the lead occasionally and see where their interests land. Have a family discussion, consult them, and make sure to value and support their contributions, too. From there on, you can take charge of the matters and direct the flow of activities and events.
Here are seven suggestions to make Eid special for your children.
1. Decorate for the holiday.
With all the hype around Christmas, Muslims all over the world are increasingly finding the need to glam up the decor game around Eid to make it more appealing and attractive in the eyes of our youngsters. When it comes to Eid decorations, the sky's the limit. You can get your children involved in doing themed artwork for your walls and dinner table.
Here are some of our personal favorites for Eid-ul-Adha this year:
2. Make an effort to share.
Parents act as role models. We must be conscious of the fact that the emphasis should remain on the concept of sharing rather than showing off and being extravagant. Let that be in the form of sharing Eid goodies and cooked food with neighbors, including those who are non-Muslims.
3. Read together.
The first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah are notably significant and blessed in the eyes of Allah. There are a number of Hadith which validate this, and we must seek to maximize our good deeds individually as well as a family.
It is a mandatory practice for all Muslims to recite the Takbir after each fard salat starting from Fajr of the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah up to and including Asr of the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah. You could get the children to color a free printable worksheet of the Takbir and display it in a common area as a reminder. Reward the children for remembering as well as reminding you.
Dedicate a time to sit and read the Quran together as a family to build up the spirit of these ten blessed days and the upcoming holiday. There are also many kid-friendly books which highlight the significance of Eid-ul-Adha. Some of our personal favorites include:
- The Best Eid Ever by Asma Mobin-Uddin. This is a wonderful story of thoughtfulness, sacrifice, and sharing for young readers. It reinforces the spirit of Eid and is a good read for children and adults.
- ABCs of Hajj (mini book by ummabdulbasir.wordpress.com). This is an excellent resource for the little ones with beautiful illustrations and introductory vocabulary. Here is an online version of it.
- Hamza Learns About Eid-ul-Adha by Asna Chaudhry. This book is written for 4- to 8-year-old children. It talks about the story of the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was willing to make of his son Ismail. This is a challenge for most parents of young children and the book provides the basic Eid facts for kids and also raises the question of a child’s fear of actually being sacrificed on Eid day.
4. Make connections for older children.
There are a variety of ways you can choose to relay information to make it more meaningful for older children. Research is the key. For example, when discussing topics such as the significance of Hajj or Eid sacrifice, you may consider linking the two together by encouraging them to understand important underlying concepts such as Tawakkal (placing our trust in Allah) which is a prerequisite for being able to make a sacrifice in the way of Allah, just the way Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, did.
5. Plan an Eid party.
A party can make Eid special. Since Eid is a time when children are naturally excited and looking forward to meeting other family members and friends, consider getting them involved in party planning. Ask them who they would want to invite, let them decide the menu or at least some of the items they like. Getting them to write invitations can also be fun and exciting. Involving children in family matters is good for their emotional development and provides them with opportunities to build up and strengthen their decision-making skills.
6. Design cards or purchase gifts.
For family or friends who live miles away, it's a good idea to look up online gift stores or food delivery options, which allow you to make these celebrations inclusive. Again, getting the children to participate will help them understand the importance of family, especially on special occasions and events. There are a multitude of online meeting platforms that are free and which can be used to connect with family and friends far and wide.
7. Share your own experiences.
If you've had the opportunity to perform Hajj, what better way than to narrate your Hajj experience to your children on the day of Eid. If not you, perhaps the grandparents or another member of the family can do so. These stories and experiences inspire children and are more meaningful than watching a video on YouTube.
Whatever you decide to do, remember planning is key. It is best to get the craft work and decorating done and out of the way in advance. Leave the tidying up and ad hoc tasks for the last minute.
Get trusted family members and friends on board to agree and decide on sharing the responsibility of educating children on family values. Peer learning and influence can do wonders plus it gets the job done faster. For instance, plan and assign a baking day, craft day, or a get-together with friends around the ideas or theme of Eid. To ensure safety, consider a meet up online.
We hope and pray that you and your family can make the most out of these blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah and continue to revive the true spirit of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha by using these experiences to build happy lifelong memories for your children and the generations to come.
Umm Ahmed is an early childhood educator and writer who is passionate about seeking knowledge and passing it onto others. She and her husband are parents to three boys and are currently living in Abu Dhabi.
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